Akash Thosar

Akash Thosar Bio :
Born: 24th February 1993
Age : 29 Years
Birthplace : Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Height: 5.7
Parents: Dr. B. G. Tandon
Upcoming movie: Ghar Banduk Biryani
Akash Thosar is certainly not an unknown name in M Town especially after the release of the film Sairat the debut film of this actor. The young actor who has his interest in wrestling hails from Pune wherein he was born and brought up at. His schooling was done from the school called SSVM based at Aundh, Pune doing his college and graduation from Pune University itself. As per the update from the actor, he is currently pursuing his masters in Arts from Savitribai Phule Pune University while he did his first movie with Nagraj Manjule.
Akash Thosar Career :
He was born on 24th February 1998 in Pune and raised in the same city. Since his college days, he had no idea of becoming an actor as never thought of. And as said, he was more interested in wrestling though was seen active in a number of cultural shows and plays and but never thought of associating with theatre groups was not so obvious. Amidst his college life and post college, he was in dilemma as what to do in life, when he got busy in some sporting activity of wrestling near Jenur station wherein he was spotted by the filmmaker’s (Nagraj) brother who got his picture and posted to the director who is the man behind making Sairat.
Soon Akash Thosar got the chance to work with the said director despite having no formal training in acting and filmmaking. As he gave the audition to the director, he soon got the approval, which started his real task of learning and exploring the idea of working in films. As per the actor he got the learning for the said acting with sheer performance. In fact, he had to lose 13 kilos in order to make himself suitable for the role. So, in his career span which not even extends to one year, this man is a famous person thanks to the accolades the film has received.
He Was Born In Nov3 1990 and again u write that he (Akash Thosar) was born on 24th February 1998 in Pune and raised in the same city.
akash bhau majedar perfomance,
Tuzyaparyant ya site varun nakki msg pohochtat ka re……..khup aaturtene waat bght re tyzya reply chi…….kharach…..khup aaturtene……
Amhi prayant karu tumcha msg pohvaycha. 🙂
Hello justmarathi team. Tumhi sangitlyapramane malahi watatay ki tumhi msg Aakash paryant pohochwnyacha prayatna karat asal. ………,Aani mihi tumhala tyadivshi nakki thnx mhanen jya divshi Aakash suddha reply deil….. Aani ashi aasha krte ki tumhi pn nkki prayatna karat asla. Pn ek khup vegli gosht discuss karaychi mhanje to Aakash Sairaat mdhe parshya asnara Aakash ch asawa…bcoz mala bakichya thikani search kelyavr 1 dhigbhar Aakash Thosar bhetle aani tyahun badluck sangaych tr tyatlya ek doghancha sodl tr bakichya saglyanni me jyala search krtiye tya Aakashchach photo set kela aahe…. Aai shappath ….aayushyat aajparyant etk khatarnaaakkk confusion kdhich zal nvt………agdi manatlch sangaych zal tr Etihaasachya paperch suddha etk waeeeeeet confusion nahi zal pn aatta Aakash la search krtana hotay…..God knows mazya tyachyashi kdhi gappagoshti honaar pn aahet ki nahi…….plz jr tumhala kharach possible asel tr tyacha reply nkki yeil ashi me khatri balagte……………
tujhi echya purn ho
Hello Jyoti,
We have forwarded your message to Akash through his PR Manager.
I hope you will get some good news
kharach ka g
माझ्याशी लग्न करशील का आकाश? ? मी तुझ्यावर खुप खुप प्म करते खरच
hooooo i c
माझ्याशी लग्न करशील का आकाश? ? मी तुझ्यावर खुप खुप प्रेम करते खरच
Mala tu khuop aavadtos Akash
Fakta tu hotas mhanun mi Sairat baghitla
ho ka brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
yes do correct it…born in feb 1998 ..ha ha
great acting &i like your movie best of luck for your future
He was born on 24th February 1998 in Pune and raised in the same city. Please do correct…Nov 3 1990
n whats urs age ?
great yaar tuza sairat picture khupach chhan ahe mala dekhil actor honar ahe
Hii plz one reply me akash
?Bro tu mla pachoryat rail way stion wr bhetala hotas aata tu tr star zalas bhau mee tuza fan ??
Please verify the facts before publishing it. He was never into plays or acting. He was always into wrestling.
Yes ur right …also he has completed his college..graduation and now pursuing MA….his birth date 1998 means he is 18 years old..lol…He should be at least 25-26 yrs old as he is a M.A Student..Incorrect facts…
Awesome acting in sairat… and handsome guy….
थिएटर मध्ये सैराट पाहीला पिक्चर यायच्या आधी बर्याच जणांनी social media आणि whats up मधून पिक्चर पाहू नका म्हणून निषेध नोंदवला त्यांनी पिक्चर न पाहताच, आपली संस्कृती अशी आहे का? लहान मुलांवर याचे काय परिणाम होतील अश्या बाष्फळ चर्चा केल्या माझं तर म्हणणं आहे सर्वांनीच पिक्चर पहा. लफडी करणार्यांनी तर अवशय पहा नागराज मंजुळेंनी ज्या पद्धतीने पिक्चरचा शेवट केला आहे ते पाहून प्रेक्षकचं काय प्रेम करणारे प्रेमी युगुल पण विचार करतील असा हा मंजुळेंचा सिनेमा सैराट खरंच भन्नाट, वास्तवादी विचार करणारा आहे ……..
great yaar….
Hi akash. Tuzi acting sairat madhe khupch chan hoti. Mala tu khup awadtos. Me tuza pics release zhalyapasun 5 times pahila. Specially tula pahnyasati. Me tuzi ekdam sairat fan zhaliy. Keep it up. Wish u all the best luck in ur future life.
खूपच छान असा हा चित्रपट आहे,
खूपच छान असा हा चित्रपट आहे, एकच नाहीतर या चित्रपटाची अनेक show मी बघितली, आणि अजूनही बघावीशी वाटतात मनाला भिडणारा सैराट एकमेव चित्रपट
Akash tuji jaat konati
Manus hich majhi jaat ani dharm ahe
Akash sir tumhi Wakad Pune yethil rahevasi ahaat ka? please reply.
nice akash
Hiii Akash your work is very nice in sairat…
Hi Akash..tula baghunach samajte ki tu nature ne kasa asnar..im a fan of ur personality and your nature.. Simple and charming , yet down to earth.. Madly in love with Akash Thosar as a person.. tu jasa aahe tasa mala khup aavadto.. hope tu ek tari reply deshil.. i wish to contact you..
Akash your acting …..wow….its really good dear…..i m really impressed …love u ….mi tar full fida ahe ……lots of love….
Are mi tar khari archi ahe….
Great I like ur thinking.but r u really born in 1998 ha;plz rply I really like u..
Bhau aik…..rinku ani tu Facebook nhi tar twitter use karta ka??? Agar karat asnar tar ek bad news age tumche sathi…plz contact Mr or reply me
Konti Bad news bhava, plz tell us amhi kalavto tyana
Woow!! Well said Akash !! U both were too gud .. and Sairat.. kharach tu khupach cute n honest ahes!! 🙂
Kharch manus hich ek jat manuski hach ek dharm
Ur so cute ..nd whats ur age exactly dear
Great acting sir
Bhau tu wrestler asun sudha khup chan acting Keles great bhau
Can i get mobile no. Of akash thosar
hi akash. tuzi acting khupch chan hoti. tula pahtach kshani me tuzya premat padli. I m very big fan of u.
really u r so cute and handsome. wish u the best luck for ur future movie.
and congralution for ur SAIRAT movie going to sucessfully
Love you aakash…….tula pahilyavar mala mazya bhavachi aathvan yete….. Yaad lagal tuzya acting ch……. Tuza sairat love pahun life zing zing zingaat zalay …
My best actor akash thorat bro i love you
Really awesome. U all made me go mad.. Sairat is one of the best movies ever created … Well done …
Very nice film, Best wishes for ur future.
Dude u done a good job in the film n rinku u 2
Akash so nice broooo…..tuzi ani rinku chi chemistory khupach mast ahe………so best luck for your future…..!
Great great acting….. Akash. you do very well… its ooosam…
hi akash…..u r really grt …superb acting tuza dance mhnje kharach khup mast …mala khup avadla ……..luv u….ekdam sairat…….
Mala as vatay ki ha chitrpath saglyani baghava karan halli saglikadech premavar tar khup chitrpath kami ahet vishesh aplya marathi chitrpatha madhe …ani ase chitrapath belgaum madhe pan chitrit zale pahije ani belgaum madhun pan changla pratisad milel as mala vatay …chitrpatha madhe kahi vishesh lokana pradhnya dil jat ani hitch khant pudh pan rahil saglya kala karana na tyanchi art sadar karayla belgaum madhe pan shooting ani studio vhavi
luv u aakash a lot….
he is already Graduated and how can a person who is graduated is of 18 year old
he is Pursuing Masters in Arts
so his born year is wrong
Please put Accurate things in your Blog
Hello akash ,
I just loved ur acting so keep it up.,may god bless u & wish ur all dreams come true .
You r looking very—————————————————————————————
Genius & sweet .
Tuza movie baghu film mdhe jam kraych yad lagl akash Khup Chan movie ah Yr lvu akash bestlk fr ur future
Amahalhi movie mdhe kam krayla chance hawa ah to milel Ka ?? Acting Khup Chan jmte bss support haway plzzz rpl me akash
Baliram thote to Manushya Jaticha aahe. Ani tu.
Kay AkalShunya Manus Ahe Baliram thote
Aakash u r film is too good
Tu distos pan khup cute.pic releas jalyapsun me 6 vela thetar la jaun pahila..n roj me sairat chi gaani 9x zakkas var bagt aste fkt tujyamule fkt.pleas contac me yar
Hi akash thosar pls confirm your birth date I loved your movie and your chemistry with rinks was awesome waiting to meet you pls. reply
दादा मि तुला येवढ सांगु ईचछितो कि मला आपनास एकदा भेटायचे आहे . मला सांग मि कुठे येऊ भेटायला.
Please. please.. please…
Awesome Work Akash …!!! We r belolnging from Khandesh (Shirpur ) …!! Currently live in Pune watched 4 Times …!! Bt Still In r khandesh region In some Sairat Can’t able to see on Theater ..,!! People’s Damn crazy abt d movie. Still waiting N want to see on Theater …!!! Best Wishes for Future U N Rinku Too ..!! Grt Wrk together …! Kindly Rply on d same ..! As an Fan …!
Hi…akash..u r too good in acting..I become fan of urs..u r so cute nd handsome… love you…so much..keep it up..nd all the best.
Akash kharach khup apratim kaam keleyes.songs tar khupach bhari.nd movie bhaghun premaat padliy tujya..really m a big fan of u.best of luck of ur future..tujya real life madye tulahi tuji archi milude lavkarach..god bless u.
Hii akash….u r really very cute n smart….n ur acting ws superb in sairat…aani tujha dance chi tr mi fan zale 1 no….i fall in luv wit u….
Hi, akash …..ur so cute…really luv u…plz share ur contact no. ,….plz plz
being a north indian ,still watch marathi movies..love ur acting its ultimate..wanted to meet u once in a lifetime
Awesome movie…Sairat..Akash n Rinku chi acting tr…Zabardast..best wishes for your carrier in industry
Akash your acting was awesome
Sairat Awesome movie…..Akash love you lotzzz….tu ani rinku ne ekdam jabardast kaam kelay…..All d best for ur future
Big fan of urs… ??
i love u sooooo much akash u r sooooo cute
Sairat movie khup aavadala …
congrtulation ……
akash —parsha
movie khup mast hota ………mi kay bolu samjatch nahi ……aani Nagraj manjule(Anna) baddal kay bolu shakat nahi…..avda mast movie ….ek no.
The movie was great…..!!!!
Full on# Zingaat Best movie in my LIfe….#
Ajay_Atul was great….Salute to# Nagraj Popatrao Manjule Thank you all of#
Sairat team for giving this heart touching movie Special Thanks to
#Sairat Zalo G…….luv u guys
Hats off??One Of The BEST Movie I Have Ever Seen.. Mind blowing….Sairat❤?Akash Thosar??Best of luck for the future….!!!!?????
Awesome movie Sairat
Rinkuchi acting and Akash cha
dance 1 no. Jakasss
Mast acting akash & mast disatos moviemdhe, sairaat chya yashasathi manpurvak shubhecha.
पुन्हा होउन जाऊ दे झिंग झिंग झिंगाट
U r so sweet …..so cute Akash ……I love u so much…..keep it up ….tuza prtek movie 1st day 1 st show bghnar ….love u yarrr…my smile king
KhuP Khup Chan Movie Ahe Sairat …I like MOvie Sairat …LOve U Friendss…
I LOve U Prenrna ….( Aarchi)
Fakt ekach shabd., Sairat……..
Really awesome. U all made me go mad.. Sairat is one of the best movies ever created … Well done …Akash i love u…..
My best actor akash thosar
You r seriously Osama yaar I like your movie me and my family was fan of you r love you…
I love it…I really enjoy your perform…I want to see you once…
hii akki
U realized me that I was missing a presence of one person in my life . great man and archi u too
Akash sir tumchi smile khuppppl cute aahe n dance sudha mi yad lagla song khup vela pahila only for you tumcha barobar movie karayla aavdel
Amazing movie of sairat ??I saw movie of 8 time
I want really see of you once
Akash & Rinku your gret actor….
hats of nagraj sir…u r team..
Akash tu khupch mast disto..ani khup chhan acting keli tu ani rinku tumhi doghani.ani movie cha subject khupch useful aahe new generation la. Sairat movie pahat ch basav sarakh asa vatat.ani best luck 4 ur future.
akash, u should keep it up….God bless u….
Aakash tu mla khup aawdtos I love you
khup khup chan ahe ha cinema pan mala sair tumhala bhetayache ahe kiva sair tumhi mala phon karushkata ka mo-8379974566
Akash mala tu khup khup khup awadtos…sairat madhil tuzhi ani rinkuchi acting superb…awesome…luv u…akash.
Congratulations Bro
Akkash mala prashn padlay nagraj sir jevha lead hero chya shodhat hote tevha sallaaaaa mi kuthe hoto……..
Sorry bt good one bro
I hve seen your movie 15 times
today i ll go 16 time
Akkash mala prashn padlay nagraj sir jevha lead hero chya shodhat hote tevha sallaaaaa mi kuthe hoto……..
Sorry bt good one bro
I hve seen your movie 15 times
today i ll go 16 time
Akash tuzi acting mstc ahe
Nice yaar bhai ur so cuite tujha Whatspp no de na nahitr mla plizz mla msg krrr my no..
Aakash in future .. . tu arrange marrige krnar ki lv marrige? Mnje ya movie mdhn tu ky bodh ghetlas te klel amhala…. Nd ur acting is mind blowing…….
Aakash i lv ur acting…… Bt mla as vatt hot ki tula hi National Award milaila hv hott…. Really … Bt nxt movie u defiantly gott itt…..
No words for you…… I just love your style,smile n d way you talk n walk….realy awesome…LOVE YOU Akash ji
ajun akash thosar tuje info barobar nahe ahe kute he …………..!!! plz guys change it fast fans are dying to know about him!!!
Akash ur looking very beautiful….love u so much…..plz give ur contact number
Nice…acting akash best entry for marathi film industry…best of lck..
U r looking very cute
I like & love u
Akash good start, its s just begining of new era, incoming days u will became be counted in big stars.
Hi akash nice acting in sairat
Dear ,
mala aavadle tujhe vichar Jatit kay thevlay manus yashamule nahi manuskimule motha hoto
hands off for ur acting
but i have no words to describe ur dance
u have become my ideal since i had watched ur film “sairat”
Can you frndship with me
Akash i like ur an because manus prasidhine nahi tar manuskine prasidhiche shikhar gathato
I want to meet you ur such a sweet persone
I like ur ans akash n i want to meet you n tujhi jaat nahi mi vicharen tu kasa aahes
Akash tu seriously khup cute ahes tujhi acting bghun asa vatat nhi ki tu wrestler ahes ..mala nakkich life madhe ekda tri tula bhetavsa vatel ani actually mala tula bhetaych ahe …all the best tujha future sathi tula ashech movies bhetavet ani tu superstar vhavas hi majhi iccha ahe….luv u alot
Mi tumcha reply sathi 3 vajeparyant ratri jagi aste i want to meet you one time pls con me
Mi tujha reply sathi 3 vaje paryant jagi aste i want to meet you one time reply akash
Ohhh wht a great movie..i liked acting..
Saturday (7th May) la movie bhagitla…..wat say me ajun movie madyech adakloy….kahich kalat nahi..kay mhanav… Sairat zal ji
you and Rinku look made for each other in movie….
bro…Give us more reason to smile…. I wish all the best in coming life…!!!
Hi akash i am so biggest fan your..tuji acting mhanje 1ch no hoti bava..mla tula 1da tari bhetaych ahe mitra..and congrass for ur future..
Hii akash dear…ur amazing tuzi smile khuppppppp cuteeeee aahe n i luv u…bt maza bf aahe n amhi doghanni film baghitlya pasun tr sairaatt zaloy…luv u yrr n best luck for ur future tu khup motha superstar hoshil hi amchi icchaa aahe n mala p tula bhetaych aahe plsssss luv yrr akash ur great n ha tuzya lyf madhe koni aarchi aaahe kaa sangshil plssssssss
Hi aakash …tu jasa movie madhe ahe tasach real life madhe ahe ka ?ani tuji smile khup chan ahe plz riply …..
Hiiii. I am Pravin I watch the sairat movie is very buitiful and so like in actor rinku and akash is very nice
aakash aakash aakash,,,, sairat chi1st zalak pahilyapasun me sairat zale yar. tevha pasun clg sutnyachi wat pahte karan comp lab mdhe jaun songs paht bsen,,,,,, I love u so muccchhhhhhh,,,, tula pahilyapasun ewdich iccha hoti ki dewa plz ha motha asudet mazya peksha and by god grace tu motha ahes….love u yarrrrr,,,,tuzi smile, Tuza warati dance, anger, caring nature ya sglyachi fan zaliy me,,, atta parynt 8 wela theatre mdhe pahila movie, fkt tula pahnyasathu……… love youuuuuuuuuu. marathi industry mdhe n Hindi industry mdhe tuzya sarkha actor nahi,, killerrrrr ahes tu,,,,,, love youuuuuuuuuu…..
Mona mi amit thanks tu akash vishayi tujhe vichar vachun mala khup chan vaatale dev karun tula suddha tujha aakash lavakarach milo best of luck u r future
Superb movie I love it and enjoy to best of luck akash and rinku for ur future love u…..
khrch tu bhari kam kel yarrr mla tumchya teamla bhetaychi echya ahe khupppppppppppppppp plz kute bhetshil
kharch tumhi kaljach pani pani karun takal khupch nice kam kel yar sairat mde mi atta parynt tumcha muvhi 20 te 25 vela bagitla 3 vela theatre la ani baki mobile mde nagraj sairana vinanti ahe ki tyani pudcha muvhi mde sudda tulach ghyav..so thanks too coming.. bye
Best job for you
Great job for prasha
Mi aaj punha family barovar jatey akash tujha movie baghayla 7 pm
Akash tuzi acting khup niragas aahe manala bhidun janari.
Akash mi 2 may la movei baghitala &punha toch movei 2 veles bagitala ajunhi tya movei madhye ahe khupach chhan
& hello brother ek reply tuzya sarv fan sathi de plizz
I like your movie
this movie is very nice
and your movie is the best
I like it
and your soooooo cut ttttt
and beautiful llllll
I like you
plz plz reply me
plz plz reply
Hi akash… became big fan of ur’s after watching sairat. ur acting ur style ur smile….too good. Great work done by both of u. Want to meet u once in a lifetime. Tujhya future career sathi all the best. plzzz reply
movie baghun mala tyatun khup kahi shaikayla bhetal khup chan movie
aakash Bhau u r the best…
Tu bhai tu khrch lai bhari ahes…
Sairat movie is the best movie in all of marathi cinema culture…
झिंग झिंग झिंगाट he song lai gajala ani tasech “yad lagal” he sudha… ya songsne tr sarvanach yad laval ki…
br ka aakash bhau maz pn birth name
(परश्या PARSHYA) ahe.. bhau tuzi lai bhari ahe ki…
bhetaych ahe mitra..and congrass for ur future..
rinku and aakash….wish u congratulation for your bigest sairat movie… both of you do hardwork for the sairat movie….“Iam the biggest fan both of you…….”u have done fantastic & excellent work in your movie…. watalch tr reply deshil bhava…
Nice Akash .
PLEASE जन्म तारीख edit करा :-1993
बाकी चिञपट खुप सुंदर आहे. hattsoff acting by both of you,keep it up and best of luck for future!!!!
Akash tumchasathi kay karu ki tumhi bolal
@akash ans @rinku Which one is your real fb account ?
Plz do post links
Hello Akash …became a big fan of urs after watching a sairat….I like ur smile ur acting ur personality n ur dance in zing zing zingat….
zing zing zingat song me roj pahate fakta tuja ravdi dance baghnya sathi…;-)
congratulations fr sairat n all the best fr ur gr8 future …
Hello Akash…m ur big fan after watching a sairat…
I like ur personality ur smile awww….N ur dance in zing zing zingat ….
me roj zing zing zingat song pahate fakta tuja ravdi dance baghnyasathi … 😉
congratulations fr sairat n all the best fr ur gr8 future …
Akash……your acting and dance was awesome yar..mla tu khup khup avadlas..all the best for ur future…
Congratulations Aakash….Really i have limited words to express my opinion about u & ur acting…u r a true actor , a real hero Aakash……salute to your efforts , your devotion & salute to you also….go ahead & ahead & ahead….all d best….my wishes r always with u……………..always…….all d best for further movies……tyanimittane tu nehmi aamhala bhetat rahshil…….
Congratulations yasathi ki tu saglyanchi mane jinkli aahes aani saglyanna tuzyavr etka vishwaas aahe ki tu khup pudhe jashil….
Etkya lokanchi mane jinkli aahes he suddha tuzya sathi kontyahi award etkech mahatwache aahe….
Asach swatavr vishwaas rahu de mjtra….kadhi n khachun jata pudhe pudhe jat raha….
Hi jyoti mi amit tu akash sathi dilela reply vachun khup chaan vaatale
Gud morning akash
Hello Aakash….1 sangaych hote…tuze jitke fans create zale titkech kadachit virodhak suddha tayar zale astil…….aani competitors suddha…so plz take care of urself……we want to watch u as a successful person for very very long time…..mazya sangnyatun changla arth ghe mitra…..plz take care ….plz….see u
Hi Akash u done very well.I m not u r biggest fan .I like u r smile ,hardwork,acting .congratulations for u r success .congrats in advance for future .I really want to meet u but it not possible …I know that its crazy attraction about u.forgot about that ..and focus on u r bright carrier .tumche nav khup chan ahe…tumhe kse a hat janun ghayche ahe… …life mdhy apan nakki bhetu ……best wishes tumhala.
bro ur awesome yar,, m big fan of u…. Tuza dance, smile, shirts,looks killer ahe bhawa..laka kadak distos,,,laka yad laglay mla Pn……
bhawa prince la tu adhich maraycha hota.. lagnat looking handsome in white kurta..marathi industry gajaun taklis…love u bro, go ahead…..khup motha star ho… best luck for ur future….
I don’t know Aakash ki tula msg miltat ki nahi te but. …… ..jar milat astil tr 1ch request aahe……..divasbharat aamha sarwanchyat milun fakt 1 common reply dyawas ashi ecchha aahe re……hope so that….msg tuzyaparyant pohochawet…..
I love u yr akash.. ekda tari bhet mla plz plz plz..
Hiii akash..
Mla marathi movies baghayla pan aavdat navti pan jeva tuza picture bagitala teva pasun yad lagal ata asa vattay ki me pan movies madhe actor banu….
Majhi ek friend ahe tila pan ek offer ali hoti marathi movie madhe manje tila call kela hota marathi movie madhe yeycha ka manun pan ti manli nay mla hindi ani english movies madhe jaycha ahe manun ty veles mla cha kay kalalna kay bolu manun….
Mla pan yad lagal….
I am your biggest fan
Gn sd tc….
Akash mi tujhapeksha 6 years lahan aahe just aata graduation complete kelay result yaycha baki aahe mala gayla aavadta khup bolayla aavadta new dishes banvayla aavadta shooping karayla aavada lahan mulan barobar masti khelayla aavadta mi fb var nahi mala bike chalvayla nahi yet n mala car chalvayla thoda yeta shiktey aani mala tu aavadtos jhalach tar reply de punha mi tula mess nahi karnar aadhuch tula khup comment yetat ugach tula disturbe nako tujhi fan nahi tula mi khara like karte gn
Khupch chaan hot sairat movie
Ek dam zakkaasssaaaaaaaàa……….
Mi sairat film cha fan zalo. Mi sairat film 7time pahili. Asi mi film kadhihi pahili nahi.mi Akash thosar ani rinku rajguru doghanch fan zaloy. akash mala dance and acting khup aavadli.
Hello Aakash…………….. Roj roj divasbhar tuze songs repeatedly pahile tarihi panha punha pahnyachi ecchhyya kahi sampat nahi re………..kharach yyaad lawlas re saglyanna………..see u……….
Really Jyoti u r reply is very nice for Akash
Akash mla itka aavadalay tuza movie tu acting khup Chan keli aahe tuzi aani archu chi Jodi tr ekdm bhari aahe sglyat solid movie aahe hi movie bghun mn khrch sairat zalay itkya lhan age mdhey tumhi khup Chan acts kelay
Hi Akash,
kiti chan distos re 🙂 khup chan acting keli ahes tu sairat madhe. congrats and best of luck for your future !
Luv u parshya….. English madhun sangte…
Khup kahi sangital sairat madhun chan aahe movie
Akash i want to meet you pls ek meeting tari thev tujha fans sathi n pls he ithe aamhala reply deu sang pls jar bhetahil tar
Have a nice day Aakash………….tuza reply yeu n yeu but me tuzyashi gappa marlyashiway kuthlyach goshtit lakshya lagat nahi re…………tu kiman read tari karat asashil ashi 1 aasha aste re………….mind nd brain etke ziggggaattttt zalet ki kahi vicharu nakos………….see u………….
Akash I am just fan of you and your acting .
English madhe kalnar CH ki tula ka marathit sangu punha
Plzz manjule sahebanna sanga sairat 2 nakki kadha nahi tr aamchi pn storych tech honar plzz repley
Plzzz plzzz………………
Tula archichi shappath
Ho akash ani tu kapalsana pn bolav amhi pn yenar
Ek meeting houn jaude fans sathi
Akash bhava ek no acting keliys, Tuzyasobat asanarya pratekachi acting chan ahe. Film che Music film chi jan ahe. Pan aplyasarkhe gramin bhagatil mulanchya talent la waw ashya khup kami sandhitun milto. Bhava tula milali tu tich son kelas, JINKLAS BHAVA. Khup motha ho, khup prayatna kar pan apla gav nako visaru…..karan kitihi dur gela tari “GADYA APLA GAV BARA” ch asto. Gavakadchi manase jiv lavtat. Amhi tin tin vela movie pahlay.. Gavakadchi parastthi sadhya vait ahe pan amhala tula support karaychay.
Reply chi apeksha nahi tu busy asashil……… ABHINANDAN ani SHUBHECHA>>>
Kay bolu kharch kahich kalat nahi tujhyaaathi ky pn aakaah plz plz ekda tri rply de n ur moview….. so good yar plz fact ekda rply de.
Love u so much…tuja moview tr rojch bhgte sings tr vicharuch nko tu plz plz ans me…….
Hiii!! Bro…. you are really great. I like your style
nothing more to say… just love your eyes and your smile and the way you dance
hey parsha….ur soooooooo cute fst of oll…m totaly impressd…dude u done a fabulous job in sairat…wow i lovd ua dancing n acting…i am a big big big fan of urzz sairat iz one of d bst movie evr creatd…yad lagla yad lag re
Hi akash my name is dolly ur movie n u r awesome dude I really want to say that I’m ur biggest fan in the world n I want to meet u I know that impossible but ok n I really like u from the bottom of my heart thxx
Akash…. (parshya ) tujhch yaad lagl aahe sglyanna najare smorun tujha chehra jatch nahi….tujhi smile tujhe dole tujha dance khup aavdl mla…
Me etki asle ani gane pn chalu nsle tri mla gani aiku yetat…tu kharach sampurn Maharashtra tujh ved laglay….we love u Akash….all the best
akash yar kay acting kelis i am ur biggest fan after watch ur movie sairat and tu ma kart aahes tr mg tuji age kay and i guess tuji age 23asel dob incorrect aahe yar plz do correct and me to teti fan ban gai soneya chore me teri fan ban gai re.
akash.. mla tumhala plz bhetaych ahe… maz khup important kaam ahe tumchya javal… me punyatlich ahe.. ani tumchya gavakadchi.. plzz ekda rply dya.. mazya aushacha prashn ahe… ganpati bappa shapath khup mahatvach kaam ahe tunchya kade.. jivan marnacha prashn ahe maza..
Mala pan actor banayach ahe
Tumhi sairat sinemala sairat as ka?? naav teval reply me sir
मला पण एकटर बनायच आहे.आणि मला तुमचा सोबत भेटायच आहे
Hello My one of the best parshyaaaaa,
I love you sooo muchhhhh,
Good luck my smiling king
Parshya a mal kharach tula bhetayecha he re plz I lov u soooooooooooooooooooooooooo muchhhhhhhhh
hii parshy kasa ahis aaani me tula parshy ya sathi boly ki me fkt parshyla olkhty aakashla nhi buz I the sagly direct aakash boltat parshy LA me olkhty buz ty tych act mul me parshyla olkhty pn real mdhi aakash kasa ahi hy konlach mhit nhi mlatr ajjibat nhi aaani mhnun me bolt ki me parshyla olkhty akashla nhi ek manus mhnun aaani mla nkich avdel tula janun ghyla ek manus mhnun aaani khrch aly aly khup sundae kam kels as ptkn saglyna jmt as nhi pn tu khup chn kels like ur acting aaani khrch Jr tuza prynt msg jat astil tr khup chngl nsel jat tr bad luk kiva mg hy sagl fack reply ahi Asch vatel so plzz reply kravas byee bhetu reply kela kii
i only want to see akash thosar n i want to hug you akash asa kahi vegla nako manus tula fakta congrats jarnyasathi ki tu lokancha manat jaga kelis mitra tujhj bigeest fan meghna
Sairat movie mast zakkkkas, ani Rinku chya bhashet bolaycha tar kup bhari vatla bagun movie asa movie mi kadhi mazya ayusshyat pahila nhavta kharach mi suddha SAIRAT bagun SAIRAT zali kharach love u Parshya ani Archi , marathith sangitlela kallat nay english madhe sangu I LOVE YOU.
i like you akash
Nice movie
Akash mala tula bhetaych aahe…majha dream aahe …plz nahi mhanu nakos plz …Tu khup khup khup khup cute aahes …mala tula ekda bhetaych aahe plz bhet .. tujha no. Denar nahis Tu but plz ekda bhet tari…mala tu khup avadtos yaar..m big fan of urs
Owesome yarrrr akash……Kahi dhrmaplikde jaun kontri nat ast ani te mhnje premache,manuskich….he tu tyzya acting mdhun dakhun dile ahes….I m proud of u……really osmmmmmmmm
Hi akash… U r so gud… I love you so much…
Akash tula ekada tari bhetayache aahe.
Hi! aakash sir tumhi khup great actor ahat I am your fan I only want to see aakash sir your personality is too good you r great man and best of luck your bright future .I hope you became my friend call me please aakash sir .
Hii Akash thosar…….
Actually me tar tuzya flim cha khup motha fab jhala ahe ani jevha me flim baghitla tevha pasun mala ka ASA vatay ki maja tumchya shi kahitari connection ahe….pan reality madhe apan nahi olkath ek dusryala tari pan actor mahnun tu khuo chhan kaam kelas…..tyachyavarun tuza manuski samjun yete….mitra mahnun oan tu khup changla asnar mala yachi gaurinty ahe…mala bas yevda bolaychay ki tu kahi pan kaar bas tya shetrat tu khup pudhe ja ani changla navar kaar…
Ani me Tula mothya pardyavar parat baghayche aturtene vatt bagtoy
Akash khup changali bhumika sakarlis …अप्रतिम..pn fb var add kar plz …
Akash dear plz ekda reply de yaar plz …tula mahit naahi mala kiti Anand hoil tujya eka rply ni…plz ekda reply kr yaar plz…waiting for u ..
You are the first n the last thing in mind each n every day… ekda reply kr khup aaturtene vaat baghtiye tujya rply chi plz rply kr plz
Hum bhi actor banana chahate hai.please get some ideas..apkai acting bohat acchi hai..i want meet u..
your lovely ashwini…..!
I loveeeeeeeeeee youuuuuuuuu Akash..
Kharach khup chan kam kel ahe I really like your work
Kharach khup chan kam kel ahe tumhi akash I really like your work
Kharach khup chan kam kel ahe tumhi akash I really like your work
Akash mi sairat pahun ewdhi vedi jhali she ki mala as watatay ki tumchyashi bhetnyachi sandhi kadhi milel jar..majha msg tumchya paryant pohochla tr mala ek reply nakki kara plzzz mi khupach vedi jhali ahe bhetn a che khup prayatna karat ahe pan marg sapdat nahi plzzzz ekda bhetnyachi icha ahe
Akash kharach ghup chan kam kelay sairat madhe ane pudhe hi asech kam karat raha ……best luck in u r future friendsßsssss
hume reply dijiye… please… hum aapke reply ka wait kar rahe hai…
Akash yevdya comments ahet tyat Tujh laksh jail ka majya ya msg var tu khup khup Chan disto ani tujhe dole pahun konihi premat padel mala tula ekda bhetaych ahe tula bhetalyavar tula surprise asel khup special Ani ho olakh tujhi friend ahe mi Aarti…. plz call me 9552090772
Thanks just marathi tumchya Mar fat amhi sarv fan akash pariyant amhcha msg pathvat ahot I hope ki tyachya pariyant pohchat ahe..
Akash tujhe sarv fan reply chi vat pahat ahe I know tu busy ahe pan thoda vel amhchya sathi pan kad yar.. kiman jyani msg mdhe number takla ahe tyana tari reply De.. plz (Aarti your friend 9552090772) mala hi de plz..
Hii Akash I am biggest fan of u & ur charming cute smile . tu khup chan acting kelis .l really like ur movie.soooooo best of luck ur future .?
Hii Akash I am biggest fan of u & ur charming cute smile .l really like ur movie.soooooo best of luck ur future .?
Hi akash kadhi reply deshil re amha fan la tujha reply yet nahit he mahiti asun sudha msg kartat plz reply De…
Plz rply me
I love you Akash but tula archie ch lay sut krte
Archie ani tuzi jodi lai… Chan diste
Hi pratiksha mala tujyashi friend ship karaychi ahe plz mala what’s ap var msg kar (9552090772)
Hi akash khup Chan kam kelas tu tujhe dole khup chan ahe konihi premat padel tujhi pahnyachi style mala khup avdte Ani tujha slow dance tar ekach number yar rojch tujha movie Pahte majya mobile mdhe majyapeksha jast tujhe photo ahet ajun sagnya sarkh khup ahe pan aas nay Sangta yenar fakt ek bolu shakte
I Really love you…..
Plz reply me
Just Marathi kharch akash pariyant Jat ahet ka msg….? Reply Ka yet nahi mang Tumhi tar sanga plz
Hiii akash mala tumi khup aavadta pan avde loka na reply nahi dile tar mala kay denar ho… bt I LOVE U?
kharch tu khup chhan acting keli me tula college madhe sodun jar gelo nasato tar kadachit me pan tuzya sobat aasto shuting madhe but tu konalahi reply nahi dila mang mala aas vatat ki tulach bhetav kadhi bhetato sang Aakash reply me Call Back me 9765656424
call me Aakash
Dear akash
parshayat mala maze mukesh disle
me mrunali me married aahe maze husband cha mazavar khup jiv aahe te khup cute & hansome aahet
lagnala 6 years zale aahe te pan love with arrange. tari aamhe new couple aahe asach vvate.
sarrat baghun aadhiche divas aathavle
MRunali & MUkesh RAndive
hi Aakash
Hiiii akash khup chan ahe tumcha movie i love you both of you all the best for ur future…
Great Movie & Songs + Music_ Nagaraj Manjule Sir U are very brillient bcz you use Maharastrian common peoples’ talent and gave opportunity to prove themselve Outstanding Movie_ _ _ Really Yad Lagal….sir
Aakash tu mla khup Aavdtos plz mla tujha co.no deshil ka mla fakt tula ekdach bhetaych ahe plzzzzzzzzzzz.plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ha msz aakash paryant pohachva plzzzz
Just marathi tumcha msz ka nhi yet plz kahi tri pathva aakassh la sangital ka plzzzz
kiti chan chitrapat kelas mitra karn amchya gadchirolila 2 mahine challa kupch chan ani gadchiroli zilyat sobnyalike chitrapat ahe pakt itka ki thumche mar avdle nahi I wish u akash &rinku
Hi akash….tuzi movie khup gazat ahe. Aata complete 2 months zalet tri pn tu ajun hi sampurn maharashtrat gaztoys…..really hats of u…..tuzi acting specially zingat dance wow awsome. Tula tuzya carrier sathi saiart shubhechaa i know it is impossible to meet with u….but all the best. Ashich kamgiri karat raha. Kadhi tri amchya vidarbhala pn nakki bhet de. Tula nakki ch avdel amch NAGPUR……ani beware bcoz khup muli tuzya maage laglya ahet. Ani tuzya life madhali life partner kharach aarchie sarkhi asel………karan tu eka program madhe mhatla hotas ki jr aarchie sarkhi life partner milali tr te tuz nashib asel……athavl na……bye