Movie Reviews

Nivdung Movie Review – a journey to the farmer’s household

nivdung review

A film in the genre of plight of the farmers always pulls attention. Nivdung comes in the same league at a time when it is indeed a burning issue. Nivdung tackles many issues in the rural milieu where the farmers and their family suffer under the burden of false promises of the government. Nivdung exposes many inefficient and dysfunctional rules and policies of the government that exists only on papers.

Nivdung Story Synopsis: Bhushan Pradhan plays a young city boy who is a heartbroken loner. Out of his dejected life and hopelessness, he decides to end his life. How can he make his suicide profitable for someone else? This way he might end up helping someone by committing suicide. There is only type of suicide that turns out profitable for the family of the deceased. It is the suicide of the farmers!

Bhushan’s character goes to the village and before the reaches a decision, he tries to explore the place and it’s inhabitants. He meets a young charming girl in the family who is debt ridden, struggling to make both ends meet. The girl played by Sankruti Balgude falls head over heals for this young boy from the city. What happens when she discovers that he is completing suicide?

Bhushan in his attempt to help the family willing poses as the adopted son of this family. When everything is set, there begins a melodrama of emotions and relationships. Honest and corrupt officials and the rustic characters both simple and wicked are all portrayed in a realistic manner. The contrast between the rustic life and the city life is also shown with credibility.

What the film lacks is a convincing story. It is difficult to relate to situations because the background of the story is never put in a believable perspective.

Performances: Bhushan Pradhan and Sanskruti Balgude play the lead part well. Songs and love scenes featuring them are delighting. The chemistry between the couple is good. Sanskruti, although looks unfitting in the rural background, plays her part with the innocence and charm of a rural teenager. She has the simplicity to bring out the character that is the only charming one in the film.

Bhushan Pradhan, on the other hand, plays the most potential role on the film. His character is the one around which all the characters revolves. Bhushan is charming and realistic. Yet he falls short of expectations in the potential scenes. Other actors playing the rustic villain and members of the family are simply average.

The Loopholes: With better performances and a more realistic script, this film could have been a better portrayal of the powerful theme. The story which creates lot of expectations fails to live up to them. Though Bhushan and Sanskruti are appreciable, they wont’t be abel to save this sinking ship.

Music and lyrics are very much average. Script and screenplay do not contribute to raise the standards of the film. Direction fluctuates at places with very good in certain scenes to poor in others.

Final Word: Nivdung is watchable only for the plight of the farmers and the simplicity of characters in the village that are long gone from our stories today.

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