Court Marathi Movie Review

Court was the most awaited film of 2015. The film is a record in itself. It is the only Indian film so far to have received 19 international awards. It is also the best national film of the year 2014 in India. It is a matter of great surprise that such a marvelous film has been made by a debutant young director and there is no recognized actor to be seen in the movie.
Court, as the title suggests, is about court. An ordinary Indian court where the mundane life goes on and justice and righteousness goes for a toss. Yes, Chaitanya Tamhane directed Court is a realistic portrayal of a court, its members, workers, and the common men who seek justice there. The judge, the lawyers and the public’s life has been painted on the celluloid faithfully by this first time director. After achieving much applause for this venture, the director is all set to get thumbs up from the audiences across the country.
Court surprises you from the start. It is replete with faces that are fresh in the cinema industry and so the characters look realistic as if they have been picked up from real life itself. The main cast of the film includes Vira Sathidhar, Vivek Gomber, Geetanjali Kulkarni. Revolving around the characters that come to seek justice in a court, the film exposes many loopholes in the judicial system of India and also satirizes the callous and ignorant attitude of lawyers and judges involved in the process of imparting justice. The story includes pathetic instances like a judge refusing to hear a victim because she is wearing a sleeveless dress in the court. Bribery and unfair mean to win cases all such practices have found a place in this story. With the help of certain instances, the filmmaker has also pointed out the prevalence of out dated laws in the judicial system. Court comes to us Indians with a message that the judicial system of India needs to be revamped urgently in order to avoid it’s becoming an object of mockery.
The film makers deserve a round of applause for showing the courage to portray such a bold yet sensitive subject on screen. Not always a filmmaker gets the liberty to expose the loopholes of the systems such as the judicial one. Court is a treat for mature audience who likes cinema with substance. It justifies the awards and accolades that it won across the globe as also in the country.